Book Review of The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins was incredible. The portrayal of love and sacrifice in the first book along with Katniss's hard and cold exterior that holds a surprisingly warm and loving person. Her intelligence and calculating nature carries her through the rest of the series as a the Mockingjay.

The love triangle was far more interesting than many present in young adult books, and I found myself not entirely satisfied with how it turned out while also thinking that who she ended up with was ultimately a better match for her.. Both Gale and Peeta were well-developed and had very different personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. I liked that it wasn't a choice between two similar men who made her feel the same way, but that they both drew her to them in different ways.

One of the things I found most striking about the books that was carried over into the films was it's shockingly accurate portrayal of what it's like to live with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Katniss has nightmares and flashbacks portrayed so well that it was difficult for me to read, especially in Catching Fire when she and Peeta are on the Victory Tour. It is one of the best portrayals of PTSD I've ever found in literature.

The use of plot elements and pacing of the novels was excellent. She used the technique of ending chapters with cliffhangers in an incredible manner that didn't feel forced. These books were of the kind that make the reader curse the alarm clock after having read late into the night because each time the sentence, "Just one more chapter, then I'll go to bed," is uttered the chapter ends on a cliffhanger.

This series gets an enthusiastic:

Photo Credit: Katherine Elizabeth


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