WIP: Washcloths
This work in progress is a set of washcloths. I've chosen stitch patterns from the book The New Crochet Stitch Dictionary by Braas and Hetty-Burkart. The yarn is Lily Sugar'n Cream in cool breeze ombre.
One of my husband's favorite things I've made during our marriage is actually a set of washcloths. They're made with 100% cotton yarn, scrubby, and soft. We both love them. But over the years the ten washcloths have slowly twindled to three. I'm not sure what happened to the others.
So, I promised my husband more washcloths. I'm working on a new set, and I'm currently crocheting number nine in the series. I chose four different stitch patterns and have completed two of each pattern so far. I will probably have enough yarn for eleven or twelve total.
With variegated yarn, something can happen that's called color pooling. It's where the color congregates in patterns instead of randomly or clumps together. Most knitters and crocheters hate color pooling, but I actually like it. With these washcloths, some interesting pooling happened, especially with the last pattern. I really enjoyed seeing the color patterns emerge.
My husband is anxious for me to finish these, and I can't wait to have more than three washcloths!
Photo Credit Katherine Elizabeth
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