Debunking Headache and Migraine Myths
I have episodic migraines, which means I get migraines less than fifteen times per month. My migraines have decreased significantly since I saw a neurologist and made lifestyle changes, and I now get a migraine usually once every three to six weeks, and sometimes longer.
Because of that, watching this video was very interesting. I believed some of these myths until I saw my neurologist and got my diagnosis of migraines. One that caused problems when I was experiencing the constant migraines last summer was the myth that migraines only occur on one side of the head. Because my head hurt on both sides, I didn't believe it could be a migraine. I saw three doctors before I saw the neurologist, and not one of them said to me, "You're having a migraine." It wasn't until I'd been having near constant pain for four months that I found out what was happening to me.
This video is interesting and informative, and I highly recommend a watch.
Video runs 12:14.
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