I'm Sorry, What?
This video was released a few weeks ago by the YouTuber Jamie Raines on his channel Jammidodger. Jamie is a trans man with a doctorate in psychology with a focus on transgender issues. He knows the scientific evidence regarding transgender people, and he has personal experience living as a transgender man in the UK.
He just released a book called The T in LGBT, which I believe is doing very well.
This video is his reaction to a list of "transgender privileges" someone posted online. He gives examples of each item's validity or invalidity in a list of complete and utter transphobia.
For cisgender people, if you want to learn more about life as a transgender person, give this video a watch. For transgender people, prepare for diving into a video full of transphobia and a trans man refuting invalid points as he remains much calmer than I was as a cis woman who has trans loved ones I hold dear.
It is interesting, though, and I want to show people which circles on the Internet are wrong and why. Learning and becoming a better person should always be the goal in life.
Say it with me: Trans women are women, trans men are men, and non-binary people are valid. Love is love. Trans rights are human rights. Feminism includes trans women. People are not their genitals.
Just let people live their lives. How they do that is no one's business but theirs.
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