Book Review of A Crochet World of Creepy Creatures and Cryptids by Rikki Gustafson

In my search for myself for the last couple of months, I admitted I love learning about folklore and legends surrounding paranormal creatures, cryptids, and "monsters." I may be a skeptic, but I sure love the stories!

When I saw A Crochet World of Creepy Creatures and Cryptids by Rikki Gustafson at the library, I absolutely had to check it out! Boy, was I not disappointed.

Cover Image Credit Keattikorn

The patterns in this book are easy to follow and adorable in the end. Who thought Slenderman could be cute? And Cthulu, the Jackalope, Mothman, Medusa, a zombie, the Jersey Devil, Krampus, Kitsune, and even the One-Eyed, One-Horned, Flying Purple People Eater. The inclusion of the last one made me laugh. Does anyone else remember the magic of the source material?

This book is one that I absolutely will spend the money to purchase! I mean, cute cryptids and mythological creatures? That's my jam!

Rating this is a no-brainer!

Stars Image Credit: lovethenerddesigns


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