Review of First Drop of Crimson (Night Huntress Universe #5) by Jeaniene Frost
First Drop of Crimson is the first book in the Night Huntress World series and the fifth in the Night Huntress Universe.
Denise McGregor, Cat's best friend, knows what lurks in the world of the undead after losing her newlywed husband in the battle with zombies. Now recovering from her grief, she's assailed by a shape-shifting demon who claims an ancestor sold himself to the demon only to renegade his promise. He charges Denise to find and deliver him, then marks her as his own.
Not knowing what to do, Denise calls one of Bones's friends. Spade, who took the name of the tool assigned to him during his imprisonment in New South Wales before being turned, answers her call and commits to her protection.
Denise's marks create overwhelming problems on top of their assignment as they work to save her.
This book marks the first in the larger series to center on characters other than Cat and Bones. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Denise began the book overwhelmed and frightened, but she slowly changed into a confident, competent fighter. The end of the book had me cheering because of the journey she took to get her to the impressive, imposing woman she became.
Spade always seemed insolent, though chivalrous, in previous books. I liked him because of his loyalty to Cat and Bones as well as his attitude and humor. This book shone a new light on him—his dual nature as a tender, loving man and a fierce fighter. He was an excellent match for Denise, and the changes she went through required her lover to be undead, not human.
As sweet and brave as her first husband was, Spade seems to me to be a better match for her.
An excellent, intense plot with sweet undertones in a way Jeaniene Frost excels. A delight to read that I finished in two days. I can't get enough of this world!
Photo Credit piikcoro via
Stars Image Credit lovethenerddesigns
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