Review of Up from the Grave (Night Huntress Universe #11) by Jeaniene Frost

Up from the Grave is the seventh and final book in the Night Huntress series and the eleventh book in the Night Huntress Universe.

Cat and Bones have been trying to discover what the CIA agent that replaced Don has been up to. He's changed security all over his facility and declared open hostility between himself and Cat. Don has been very secretive about what is happening even though he's been spying, and Cat and Bones are fast losing patience.

Discovering how to do so, Cat demands that Don share what he knows, and the truth is more terrifying than she ever imagined with the safety of the entire undead world at stake.

The race to stop a rogue CIA agent is on, and Cat has nothing left to lose.

This book was disappointing. It reminded me, most unfortunately, of the final twist in the saga of a different paranormal romance series with vampires. Only this one is by very different circumstances. Because of that, and the fact that the other novel was published first, this one felt almost like a copycat even though the circumstances were far different.

The CIA agent in question wasn't exactly a formidable opponent, especially considering when they took him down and how, though the story had been building to it for two or three novels now. I was delighted to finally get to this point because I'd been wondering when we'd get here, but for this guy to be the ultimate villain at the end of the series was quite disappointing. Then their quest at the end to solve the problem seemed to tie up too easily, and other major players in the series seemed to act out of character, particularly Marie a.k.a. the Voodoo Queen.

I can't help thinking that Ms. Frost got an idea from a vital element of a different series and ran with it (and it was an element that came out of left field there as much as here), and the result was far from spectacular. It's a shame that this was the final Cat and Bones book, and that there won't be another to redeem it.

However, this is far from the end of the larger Night Huntress Universe. There are five more books published and one upcoming in 2021. I plan to take a short break from Ms. Frost's delectable world before diving back into the next book, the third one about Vlad.

Photo Credit Damian Brandon via
Stars Image Credit lovethenerddesigns


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