The Short Form
I've taken a break.
The method I used to write my most recent novel is new to me, and this is the first time I've implemented it. I have an idea of how to adapt it moving forward, and I started to use this adapted form on the second novel in the series I'm planning.
I figured out what my plot was, who my characters were, who my antagonist was, and what would happen until close to the climax. Then I started plotting. I wrote out everything I had figured out and planned what would happen and when.
Then I realized I had no clue if this method had even worked the first time, let alone if it would work a second time.
So, I decided to pause on that novel and keep having the first one critiqued. Once I find out if the novel is viable and may actually be successful, I'll start on book two.
Until then, I've decided to experiment with the short form.
I've written several short stories, the first of which turned out rather badly, but the second and third I think are much better. I'm looking forward to having those two critiqued. A fourth is under construction now, and I think will be a longer story, more toward the word count limit of a short story.
For short story critiques, I've gone back to the first website I used, Scribophile. The points system doesn't work well if someone isn't good at networking to get critique partners for a novel, but the way I'm using it, that isn't a problem. Since I'm not having a novel critiqued, I won't be having the problems I was having before. We'll see if I have different problems now or if it works this time.
I've been enjoying getting back into the social aspects of the website as well as working with people I used to work with when I was active on the site before. I'm limiting myself in the way I take on critiquing so I don't overload myself, and I think that will help my stress levels. I was just taking on way too much before, and Scribophile became and immense source of stress. I'm hoping it will be different this time.
I'd like to get to the point where I can try publishing a few short stories to add to my portfolio. It will help immensely when I send out query letters to get an agent for publishing my novel. I'm not sure if I'll get there or not, but I'll try.
Photo Credit Vintage RS
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