Teenage Pain

This album came out when I was entering my senior year of high school, shortly after the year of nightly sexual abuse from my father came to a close. I was in so much pain and I tried to bury the reason. I buried it for years, but the pain remained even though the cause was lost to my conscious mind for 5 more years. Because of this, this album resonated very closely with me. I shared many of the feelings expressed in the songs, and these are two of the tracks I most closely identified with, though because I had buried the abuse so deeply I wasn't sure why..

Being a teenager means being in emotional pain. It's part of the package. So many times, as teenagers, the knowledge of how to express the pain or the ability to talk about it is nonexistent. Teens depend on someone noticing, and not just a friend. A parent noticing and caring enough to try to make a difference can turn immense pain into growth.


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