Dangerous Misinformation

My sister is transgender, as is her partner. They live in a region where it's not particularly safe to be trans. I see news items and opinions and such that frustrate and worry me.

One thing that angers me to no end is people who deliberately spread misinformation about transgender people and what it means to be transgender. One thing that does a lot of damage is detransitioners, who are an incredibly small percentage of people who transition, who go on to campaign against transitioning.

It's important for trans people and allies to speak out about the misinformation and disinformation that is spread about trans people and transitioning.

Trans man Jamie Raines, who runs the YouTube channel Jammidoger, shares a lot of videos about these sorts of issues and what's incorrect in them. In this video, he draws attention to a detransitioner's TickTock video. 

Seeing this video frustrated me so much. While I am so, so grateful for people like Jamie who stand up against people like this, it angers me that people would do this.

People like this feed into transphobia that's causing so many social issues and political issues.

Another video Jamie recently released addresses a transphobic propaganda video chock full of misinformation.

There are so many people out there who have baseless claims against trans people and the "damage" they cause to society. Trans rights seem to be going backward in the United States, and it scares me so much. I'm genuinely worried for my sister and her partner.

Trans rights are human rights.


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