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Knocked Off My Feet

Trauma therapy is hell. At least for me. Therefore, my mind and life have been in chaos for the last couple of months. I've had periods, anywhere from an hour or two up to twelve or even eighteen hours, with my fight or flight activated, leading me to feel as though I am in danger. It's like my body is preparing for an attack it believes will come at any moment. Photo by IanZA These periods are absolute hell. I can't do anything but curl into a ball and wait—unless I remember to check my coping skills list. I have a sticky note on my desktop listing the five most helpful things to do, and they usually pull me out of that fearful state. Check my pill box for possible missed medication Get a drink Eat something, even just a snack Make coffee or tea Put essential oils in the diffuser Turn on nature sounds, color noise, or my new dopamine playlist on Spotify Usually, getting out of bed and actively doing something will yank me out of the fearful state, and other things on the l...

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