We're All Extraordinary

This album came out in 2003 around the time I was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder and recovering from my first breakdown. I felt robbed of the life I wanted because I was perfectly happy when everything came crashing down. I had a boyfriend I would have married had he asked me, friends that I loved very much, excellent grades for the first time since going away to college, and a plan for my life. In a matter of weeks I went from perfectly happy to daily panic attacks and self-injury with hypomanic episodes I couldn't even explain to myself.

I felt like I'd lost everything when I dropped out and moved in with my mom and her new husband. I was diagnosed with an incurable disease that would affect me for the rest of my life and require medication and constant care from a psychiatrist. It felt like a death sentence and I wanted my old life back more than anything.

As I tried to cope with both the illness and the knowledge of what it meant for my future, I lost a lot of self confidence and when I bought this album and heard this song for the first time it resonated deep within me. I was still a woman to be loved and valued. Whether I was crazy or not didn't take that away. I was an average everyday sane psycho supergoddess and I would be damned if anyone would take that away from me.


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