More Than I Can Chew
My long silence has been a disappointment for weeks, but I simply could not spare the time to catch up on my blogging.
I took on a lot of critiquing a few weeks ago, and figured out when it was too late that it was too much.
I work on two websites for critiques, Critique Match and Scribophile. I'm under a different pen name, so you won't find me under this name. I put my books through Critique Match first, then Scribophile, so I advertised on Critique Match that I was looking for partners to read the second book in my series. Over the course of a week, I gained five partners in addition to the one I already had, so between all of them, I'll be critiquing every day on that website. That in itself is a lot.
In addition, I'm critiquing privately, off either website, for a long-time critique partner. We've traded Word documents, and I'm working on critiquing his book.
Then I found out about a swap on Scribophile where I could have my book read by three people in a short amount of time, which would give me a different kind of feedback than I've been able to get thus far. It's four people per group and two weeks to read each book. That amounts to multiple chapters a day for most books. Obviously while everyone is reading mine, I have more time for other things.
So, all told that means I'm critiquing chapters privately, from one critique partner a day on Critique Match, and multiple chapters a day on Scribophile. That's likely four to six chapters a day, which takes quite a bit of time. It leaves me with no time to write, and very little time to blog.
I'm trying to catch up on my blogging on the day I'm writing this, which is not the day it will be published. I'm writing multiple posts and spending a few hours on this. I'll have to make up the time I should have spent critiquing later, but I really want to keep up with my blog. I enjoy posting for you all, and appreciate my readers around the world. I have several loyal readers in Europe and get views from all over the globe. I love looking at the analytics and seeing where the hits are coming from.
I will do my best to keep up during this swap while I have so little time and write posts to share with all of you. Thank you for reading what I post. It truly makes my day to see a post has gotten views and that there has activity on my Facebook page. Thank you.
Photo Credit Kristin Hardwick
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