Life Takes a Turn
Life seems to have taken a sharp turn that I didn't expect.
I've developed some worrisome health problems that are beginning to seem associated with my migraines. These symptoms, if unilateral, would be of serious concern for a possible stroke. But they are bilateral, and they aren't all symptoms of a stroke. And they spike after a migraine—not during the migraine, but afterward.
I've been to the emergency room twice in the last eight days and had a doctor's appointment yesterday with my primary care physician. He referred me to a neurologist for further testing.
My mom, an acupuncturist, and her sister, an RN with four degrees, worked together to look up my symptoms and came up with a very rare type of migraine. My PCP yesterday agreed it was a possibility and thanked me for bringing it up. Diagnosis requires a bunch of testing and care with a neurologist, so we're on the right track.
These symptoms have been quite frightening, to be honest. I hope we get to the root cause soon.
In other news, my main writing website has changed a lot of policies recently without announcing them to current members. It's greatly upset me, and since I already had two other websites I can get all my writing help from, I only needed a replacement for the social interaction I got on the writing website.
I found a social media platform I love and have connected with friends and family on it. It's been quite enjoyable so far. I've actually had to actively limit the amount of time I spend on it chatting with people because for the first few days I spent my entire day online.
So far, it's been quite fun.
I'm also trying an earlier sleep schedule, though still late at night. I'm not 100% sure if this is genuine or me worrying about it, but I'm dreaming about my abuser a lot—not nightmares, just dreams—but my PTSD symptoms have also kicked up a couple of times, like last night.
I would love to go to sleep earlier, but I'm not sure I'll be able to. Perhaps if I can get the medication to erase my dreams again, it can help me sleep better and without PTSD symptoms.
So many medications. I already take twelve pills a day between my prescriptions and supplements.
But I'll do what it takes to feel well again.
Overall, lots of changes, some good and some worrisome. But bad doesn't mean doomed, and the good can help me push through.
With my tea, a toast to the good things.
One of the things that helps me get through is nature sounds. Here is a video from The Relaxing Town. It's my current favorite for sleep sounds.
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