To Health and Injury

This week has been a bit up and down.

I've begun to use some shea butter body butter I found at the grocery store. It's not pure, but it gives me an idea of what the pure shea butter will be like. And oh my god is it amazing. I don't need very much at all for my entire body, and my skin is silky smooth. I love it so much! When it's gone, I will order the pure shea butter my mom recommended.

I also bought the Love Beauty and Planet conditioner I wanted, and that's amazing, too. Light but effective, more than the Aussie I used before. The scent is incredible, jasmine and coconut for the curly formula. I'm thrilled with my find and intend to buy the shampoo when I use up the one I have now.

However, on a downside, I have sprained my thumb and cannot knit or crochet for probably a week. Fortunately, I can hold a needle, so cross-stitching and doing some sewing of finished yarn projects is still possible. Perhaps I can finish my bats and weave in ends on other projects.

I try to look at what I can still do in these situations rather than just what I can't. I can still type (obviously), so I can write. I can read, and have been reading a lot the last couple of days. I can continue to read and take notes on structure so I can plot out my rewrite of the sci-fi/fantasy novel I wish to concentrate on for a while.

Not all is bad, thank goodness. I just have to be patient while I heal. Meanwhile, I will enjoy the sounds of nature—rain in a tropical paradise.

Photos Credit Katherine Elizabeth


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