Review of Rock Hard (Sinners On Tour #2) by Olivia Cunning

Rock Hard is book two in the Sinners on Tour series.

Warning: explicit sex.

Sed has been heartbroken over his ex-fiance Jessica for two years, ever since she flung the ring at him and stormed out of his life. No woman has ever taken her place, and as the lead singer of Sinners, he has plenty to choose from.

Jessica has been doing just fine since walking out on Sed. Then she loses a scholarship in the middle of law school and moves from L.A. to Las Vegas for the summer to work as a stripper.

At Brian's bachelor party the night before he marries Myrna, Sed is shocked to find Jessica stripping at a club. His impulsive desire to protect and provide for her backfires on both of them.

When Jessica arrives at the venue to confront Sed, she is instead hired by Myrna as a research assistant for the summer. The several thousand dollars in pay is too much to pass up.

Sed and Jessica's chemistry throws them together again, though this time Jessica is determined to make Sed pay for the way he treated her.

I thoroughly enjoyed this dive into the romantic, sentimental core of a man with a hard exterior. Jessica is his Achilles heel, and Jessica hates him. To watch them come together with those opposites was both shocking and satisfying.

Again, Ms. Cunning didn't dive too deeply into her characters, but enough that readers can understand the thoughts of the characters and the stakes involved in the story. I enjoyed her writing style just as much as the first book.

Photo Credit: Katherine Elizabeth
Stars Image Credit lovethenerddesigns


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