Review of Wicked Beat (Sinners On Tour #4) by Olivia Cunning

Wicked Beat is the fourth book in the series Sinners on Tour.

Eric Sticks is the eccentric drummer of the heavy metal band Sinners, and the second he sets eyes on Rebecca Blake, it's love. The problem is she's jonesing for Trey.

Rebecca is the new soundboard operator, taking her brother's place after the tragic tour bus accident left him paralyzed. Her eccentricities match Eric's, and she finds him funny and charming. But Trey is the sexiest man to grace the planet. What girl wouldn't want him?

Trey maneuvers Eric into the forefront with Rebecca, and while she still thinks Trey is the sexiest man alive, she sees how good she and Eric are together.

Rebecca's past surprises both of them by reentering her life, leaving Eric feeling like he doesn't belong.

In order to find forever, they must let go of the past and look to a future together.

This is my favorite book in the series. It shows a couple who are perfectly matched in every way finding love unexpectedly. Eric is my favorite member of Sinners with his eccentricities and musical genius. I also loved the further exploration of his friendship with Jace, one of the most unexpected and heartwarming things to come from the third book, Hot Ticket.

The journey the characters go on in their early relationship was both funny and sexy, and I think most women would identify with finding a partner that perfectly fits their sexual fantasies and is willing to act them out. Eric is so far gone over her that he's willing to do just about anything she wants, but he likes the games as much as she does.

I liked the depth given to the characters in this book, and the way the characters' pasts interwove with the events of the present. To me, it was a strong erotica story that was both kinky and tender—the essence of Eric Sticks.

Photo Credit Katherine Elizabeth
Stars Image Credit lovethenerddesigns


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