WIP: Yarn Collection Overhaul
This project has been ongoing for about a month. I have taken many items out of my closet that I never use. I'm ripping them back (taking them apart) to use the yarn for other things.
Among my items are three shawls, a poncho, and several scarves. So far, I've ripped back the poncho and two shawls. All of it is made with lovely yarn that I'm excited to use for other projects. I have many ideas for new creations.
Yarn crafting—along with cross-stitch—gives me peace and relaxation each day as I make something pretty or useful. The repetitive motions are relaxing and soothing, calming my anxiety and easing my mental health symptoms.
Knitting and crochet are two of the best activities I've taken up. I highly recommend them.
Image Credit: Keattikorn via freedigitalphotos.net
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