I will begin with a short introduction.
I am a wife, bookworm, knitter, crocheter, student, dreamer, oboist, baker, cook, nature lover, cat owner, movie buff, and mental health patient.
My life, unfortunately, revolves around the last item. I suffer from bipolar 1 disorder, panic disorder, and serious PTSD. For the last eleven years my life has been defined by these diagnoses. I am working to take my life back from something that should be a part of my existence, not the ruler of it.
My solace from this comes from everything else on the list, but most of all from my husband. I have the best husband in the world, and is the greatest gift I have ever been given. Another major source of solace is the place in which I live. I live in the Pacific Northwest, where there is beauty every time you turn around, even in the ever-rainy winter months. We live only a few minutes' drive from a small stretch of beach, and sand or water in my toes does much to ease my pain. I moved here three years ago when I married my husband. I used to live in the Midwest, which I have hated since I moved there as a child, over 20 years ago.
I am an aspiring author, and an amateur poet. I get my inspiration from daily life, and am trying to gain experience and technique from this blog. I hope you enjoy it.
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