Review of Waterfall (River of Time #1) by Lisa T. Bergren

Waterfall is the first book in the series The River of Time. I discovered this series almost a decade ago and am currently rereading it.

Gabi and Lia are the children of the widowed anthropologist Dr. Bertarrini who has discovered the Big Dig in Etruscan tombs. So, the two teens are in Italy for the summer while their mom digs up the ancient artifacts.

With seventeen years of not being allowed into the tombs until they'd been stripped of everything interesting, Gabi convinces Lia to sneak into one. Once inside, they discover two handprints on the wall that fit their hands exactly. Filling both prints at the same time hurtles the girls back into the Middle Ages.

Except Gabi lands alone.

She emerges from the tomb in the middle of a battle—a real one—and is rescued from a horrible fate by Marcello, the second son of a lord in a nearby castello. The family insists on clothing her, feeding her, and helping her to find her lost sister.

Gabi and Marcello draw closer to each other. The problem is a 700-year age difference. That and his fiancée.

If you're not a fan of Christian fiction, neither am I. The Christian aspect comes in a very minor plot thread of the heroine trying to decide whether there is a God. Otherwise, it's an action-packed girl-power adventure novel.

This to me is a heroine that young girls can look up to. Gabi is confident, competent, and is unapologetically herself. She works hard to fit into the time period, but remains true to herself.

Marcello was supportive of Gabi even when she exasperated him, and her differences compared to women of the time seemed to make her more attractive, not less. Perhaps he was born in the wrong time. 

Luca, his right-hand man, was a funny, fun guy who gave his unflinching loyalty to Marcello. My like of him grew as the book continued, and I eagerly looked forward to seeing more of him in the rest of the series.

This book is riveting every time I pick it up, even after nearly a decade.

Photo Credit: Katherine Elizabeth
Stars Image Credit lovethenerddesigns


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