Review of How to Write a Sentence by Stanley Fish

Looking to improve my writing, I checked a book out of the library titled How to Write a Sentence and How to Read One by Stanley Fish.

I was looking for a book on sentence structure and construction, but what I got was a book on sentence style. It was still helpful, but not what I was looking for.

Mr. Fish goes into detail about three different styles of sentences: subordinating, additive, and satiric styles. He emphasizes form over content for the first part of the book as he discusses styles of producing sentences. The last part of the book discusses first and last sentences as an appreciation of content and how the sentence either spurs readers on to read the book or caps it off (or perhaps leaves readers wanting).

The book would have been more helpful after my study of sentence construction was complete, but it was still good to see the different ways sentences are styled, even if it was only divided into two general categories, with the satiric style seeming to be added on because Mr. Fish liked the style, not because it's important to literature.

This is a good book for aspiring writers and I'd recommend it for writers hoping to further their study of the craft.

Photo Credit: Katherine Elizabeth


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