Book Selections

I'm needing to focus my reading a little, and I'm not sure if I'm happy about it or not.

When I send out query letters to ask agent/editors to read my book, as part of the letter, I need to compare myself to a couple of published authors.

I know of no one I can do that with because I have read little of my genre—romantic suspense. It's not something I would seek out normally, but I would read something I stumbled on that looked interesting.

The only romantic suspense author I know I like is Kristen Ashley, but my writing is nothing like hers. I'd love to be able to compare myself to her, but we're very different. I've read several of her books, including the entire Colorado Mountain series, and I read another recently, review upcoming tomorrow.

So, I need to dive into reading romantic suspense to prepare for getting my query letters ready. I decided to be sure to read more romantic suspense consistently, not just when I run across it, and searched for books a little over a week ago.

My first foray was the book I reviewed yesterday and was so terrible I didn't finish it, Against the Wind. The next book was by Kristen Ashley. Hopefully, I can find authors to compare myself to sooner rather than later. Cross my fingers I can find them at the library.

It seems strange that wanting to publish my work would send me scouring for books, but in reality I should know my genre well and I don't. This is a good exercise for many reasons.

So, what do I do? Dive into more Kristen Ashley even though I know I'm not like her. Makes me roll my eyes at myself. I'm excusing it by reasoning that I need to get to know the genre as well, not just find authors I'm like. That excuse works mostly, but I still think the fact that I did that is silly. 

After reading the first book in the new series, I'm entrenched in it and want to finish reading it along with the offshoot series that follows. If I'm honest, it has nothing to do with my exercise. Just the fact that I like Kristen Ashley.

I'll get to my exercise eventually. After I get done with these Kristen Ashley books.

Photo Credit Sergey Zolkin


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