
While at Michael's craft store not too long ago, I ran across a candle display. I'm a candle junkie, so I started sniffing and found a couple of good ones. Despite already having a favorite pumpkin spice and cinnamon candle, I found another variation on both that I really like. Pumpkin Spice Chai and Cinnamon Pecan Buns.

These are the Michael's brand of candles and I think you can only get them there. They're inexpensive, normally $6 each, but I got them at 3 for $10, which made me very happy.

I'm burning Pumpkin Spice Chai today.

When we went to the grocery store to stock up on our favorite candles, the Tuscany Candle's Fall Festival and Vanilla Cinnamon Brulee scents, we found a vanilla candle that made my husband want ice cream and cookies.

The brand is Everyday Escapes and the scent is Vanilla Cupcake. I don't like straight vanilla scents, not even French vanilla, but I like things like this or sugar cookie scents. This is probably the best vanilla candle I've ever smelled. Better than even Yankee Candles. The scent is strong when burned, but not too strong. One afternoon, we lit this candle and a cinnamon candle and it smelled like I was baking cinnamon rolls. It was heavenly.

I love flowery scents with candles, but my husband doesn't seem to like them. He thinks they all smell like laundry soap. Dang it. I'm searching for a flowery candle he likes in a lavender or lilac scent. For seven years, they've all been smelling like laundry detergent. One day...

Photo Credit: Katherine Elizabeth


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