Review of Dream a Little Dream (Silver Trilogy #1) by Kerstin Gier

Dream a Little Dream is the first book in the Silver Trilogy.

In this German novel translated to English, Liv explores the world of lucid dreaming.

Liv Silver is the daughter of a German man and American woman. Her parents are divorced and her mother can't settle anywhere, dragging Liv and her sister, Mia, around the world. They've settled, for now, in London where Liv's mother has moved them in with a man she's madly in love with. Her mother's boyfriend has two kids a couple of years older than Liv, Greyson and Florence.

One night, Liv dreams of Greyson, following him through a strange door into a vivid depiction of a cemetery. She watches as he greets three friends, all boys who go to her school, and they conduct some sort of ritual that she interrupts by falling out of a tree, from which she was spying on them.

Suddenly, Liv is the center of the four boys trying to find a fifth member of their circle to take part of what they term a "game." In reality, they've conjured a demon and need a fifth person to fill out the circle after their original female member broke the rules by losing her virginity.

According to the boys, including Henry, who Liv is developing her first crush on, say her ability to enter a dream corridor and spy into other people's dreams is a product of being involved with the demon, but Liv doesn't buy into it.

There's a mystery to be solved, and Liv is all over it.

I found the premise a little shaky, and I generally don't like books about worshiping demons, but Liv doesn't believe in the demon and sets about figuring out what's really going on. The characters are a little flat but the plot is interesting.

By the end of the book, I really wasn't sure why Liv would ever like Henry because his character falls so flat, but Liv is a pretty lively character and I like her. Mia, her younger sister, is also vibrant, but pretty much everyone else has very little life to them.

What carries the book is the dream world and the interesting ways Liv explores it. It's very intriguing and is what strung me along. I have enough hope for the series that I'm reading the second book, but it's slow-going. We'll see if I finish. If I do, I'll post a review.

Photo Credit: Katherine Elizabeth
Stars Image Credit lovethenerddesigns


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