
I take okay care of my teeth. Not good. Not bad. Okay. I don't floss every day and I use the little dental picks when I do because I hate using floss and if you tell me I have to use floss, I won't floss at all. I brush once a day, sometimes every couple of days. I knew, eew. But I'm like a hermit in this apartment - I rarely step outside to go anywhere. My husband takes even worse care of his teeth, so if I haven't brushed in a couple of days, he doesn't say anything.

But, my dental hygiene is a lot better than it used to be. I'd go for days without brushing and never, ever flossed. What I do now is a significant improvement.

Unfortunately, my dentist doesn't think it's good enough. Neither do the cavities in my teeth.

As I type this on Tuesday afternoon, the left half of my face, cheekbone down, is completely numb. I've just gotten home from getting my last cavity filled. I had to have six teeth drilled over the course of the last few months, some of them with multiple cavities, and almost had to have a tooth pulled because my crappy state insurance doesn't cover root canals. It was borderline between whether a filling would take care of it or if it needed a root canal. Honestly, it needs the root canal but I stretched the truth a little so they wouldn't pull my tooth and am hoping we get good dental insurance with my husband's new job (when he gets one) before my tooth goes bad so I can get a root canal. It's completely a case of vanity over health, and I admit that. But it only hurts when I eat sugar. So I don't have to think about it if I don't eat much sugar. Or only chew it on the left side.

This is my vow before the internet to brush and floss once a day to start. The dentist gave me a brand new toothbrush and we got a new tube of toothpaste last week. A-brushing I will go!

Just not right now because I'll drool everywhere.

Photo Credit: "Toothbrush" by Naypong


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