Review of Dream On (Silver Trilogy #2) by Kerstin Gier

Dream On is the second book in the Silver Trilogy.

Liv and her sister, Mia, are living a semi-peaceful co-existence following Anabel attempting to murder Liv, with Arthur's assistance, at the end of the first book. The two sisters are settling into their new home. They're living with Ernest, their mother's boyfriend, and his two children, twins Grayson and Florence. Liv and Grayson are friends, though how anyone can be friends with Florence is beyond me.

Something seems to be following Liv in the dream corridor, Henry is hiding something, and Mia is sleepwalking. The middle issue is troubling Liv the most, though the strange presence of a man who calls himself Senator Tod in the dream corridor is very confusing.

Anabel starts appearing in the dream corridor again, though her physical body is locked in a psychiatric hospital, and while it's worrisome, Liv doesn't think she'll be able to do much harm to them.

Until Mia's sleepwalking starts to put her life in danger.

I was pleased that this second installment was significantly different in plot from the first book. So many times, all the books in a series follow the same formula. The Selection, for example. But this book focused more on what the dream corridor has to offer and what was happening in their lives at the time instead of dwelling on Anabel's made-up demon.

The characters, other than Liv - even Mia in this book - fall a little flat. Even in the second book, I'm still not sure what it is about Henry that I should like. Anabel is crazy, but she has no redeeming qualities. I think that, in this book, the only character that has a breath of life, other than Liv, is Grayson.

The premise is what drives this series for me, not the characters, and I like what Ms. Gier does with the idea of shared dreaming. As someone who has never experienced lucid dreaming, I find the concept of the dream corridor fascinating.

Photo Credit: Katherine Elizabeth
Stars Image Credit lovethenerddesigns


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